Context of Berlin Living Lab (LL2)

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Individual Mobility Budget

Instrument Type

Raising awareness; methods: intervention study based on information about the allocated budget and its calculation basis, the CO2 emissions of different mobility behaviors/transport modes, and contextual information about climate change mitigation and climate change; in addition, we will incorporate serious game/planning game elements as motivational drivers, such as a competition to meet the assigned mobility budget  


Local level as far as possible, city-level (Berlin)


All trip purposes (personal daily mobility) and all transport modes, but focus on commute and commuters using a private car for trips to and from work and their willingness and ability to change to other transport modes.

Governance Framework

Laws, rules and institutions

Problem Owners

Legal or Executive Power of Problem Owner(s)

Existing Rules

Existing Policies


Availability and Access to Resources

Net Budgetary Impact for the Problem Owner

Data Availability

Administrative and Technical Capacity

Adaptability of Local Economy

Walkability and Cyclability

Politics, Ideologies, and Attitudes

Problem Owner Ideology on Climate Action

Political Stability

Level of Opposition to Climate Action and Policies

Political Engagement

Public Perception of Climate Movement

Cultural Attitude towards Car Ownership

Stakeholders, Interests and their Influence


Brief Description of Recent Events that may Impact the Implementation of Individual Mobility Budgets